Healthcare Innovations

Campaign for the Walter and Maria Schroeder BRAIN&HEART Centre

Join our $42-million campaign so we can do what no one has done before. We’re creating a centre where the world’s top specialists treat the toughest brain and heart cases — together.

St. Michael’s will soon be Canada’s only hospital that takes an integrated approach to health care for the brain and heart – without the silos that get in the way of the best medicine.

Thanks to the remarkable $19.125-million gift from legendary Canadian philanthropists Walter and Maria Schroeder, we’re building the Walter and Maria Schroeder BRAIN&HEART Centre.

It’s based on the latest medical thinking that the separation between brain and heart is artificial. What happens to one very often impacts the other.

  • A brain aneurysm can stop a heart
  • A heart attack can cause a stroke
  • Degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s share a genetic link with heart disease
  • Though some diseases may show up in only one area, they still affect both the brain and heart

So why are the brain and the heart treated separately?

At St. Michael’s Hospital, they’re not. Unlike other hospitals in Canada, our brain and heart specialists work together to treat patients, and to invent medical tools and procedures that are best for both organs.

When it’s completed, The Walter and Maria Schroeder BRAIN&HEART Centre will have state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, and a space dedicated entirely to medical discovery and invention.

For the first time, care will be structured around the patient – not medicine.

Our campaign is 85 per cent completed. Please help us finish our new centre and lead the brain and heart revolution.


24 Feb, 2021

Advancing Innovation through the Centre for Neurotechnological Innovation to Application (“CRANIA”)

The aim for CRANIA is to be the recognized leader in an exciting new field of medicine that restores or improves patients' function by correcting abnormal electrical or chemical activity in the brain.... more
5 May, 2021

The Schroeder Foundation is helping St. Michael’s Hospital break down barriers to health care for people experiencing homelessness.

The Schroeder Foundation has made a major investment to pilot the Homeless Outreach Coordinator program (aka the Navigator program) and break this cycle of illness and hospital readmission. ... more
5 Nov, 2020

The Schroeder Foundation supports St. Michael’s efforts to tackle COVID-19.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Toronto last spring, The Schroeder Foundation rallied behind St. Michael’s Hospital’s efforts to tackle the global public health crisis, with a major gift to the Courage Fund.... more


20 Nov, 2023

Schroeder Foundation Gifts 60 Industry Standard Tablets to Sisler Students

In collaboration with Wacom Canada, the Schroeder Foundation was pleased to donate 60 Cintiq tablets to the students of Sisler High School’s CREATE program – […]... more
16 Aug, 2023

Schroeder Foundation Sponsors Nickelodeon Pitch

During the 2023 school year, post-high animation students in the Sisler CREATE program were invited by Nickelodeon Animation to visit their studios and pitch projects. […]... more
Schroeder Foundation sends CREATE students to Nickelodeon Studios
16 May, 2023

Schroeder Foundation sends CREATE students to Nickelodeon Studios

12 Student Animators to Pitch Projects in Los Angeles   WINNIPEG – Students in the Winnipeg School Division’s CREATE program at Sisler High School are embarking […]... more


24 Mar, 2021

Campaign for the Walter and Maria Schroeder BRAIN&HEART Centre

Join our $42-million campaign so we can do what no one has done before. We’re creating a centre where the world’s top specialists treat the toughest brain and heart cases — together…. more