Healthcare Innovation
The Schroeder Foundation is committed to supporting research, services, and rehabilitation for brain-related disorders.

Social Empowerment
The Schroeder Foundation is committed to enhancing food security in some of Winnipeg’s most vulnerable neighbourhoods.

The Schroeder Foundation provides hundreds of post-secondary scholarships to students from Winnipeg’s inner city.

Food Allergies
The Schroeder Foundation funds medical research and lobbies for increased government support of Canada’s healthcare system.

Schroeder Foundation Gifts 60 Industry Standard Tablets to Sisler Students

Schroeder Foundation Sponsors Nickelodeon Pitch

Schroeder Foundation sends CREATE students to Nickelodeon Studios

The Schroeder Foundation has devoted huge resources to improving health services for all Canadians. In recent years they have also invested heavily in the arts in Newfoundland & Labrador, creating a theatre company to build a new musical celebrating the arts and culture of the province’s people. Some of their most personal efforts, however, have been in their hometown of Winnipeg, where they have created scholarships and other programs that support students in some of the city’s most deprived and struggling high schools.
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