Social Empowerment

North End Winnipeg High School Builds Brand New Cafeteria and Affordable Meal Program

In early 2018, the Schroeder Foundation pledged $10 million dollars to three underprivileged high schools located in Winnipeg. St. John’s High School, one of the schools to receive the grant, has students who live in a largely single-parent household community where the median income is $40,000. A major issue for students in this community is access to a sustainable and healthy food program.

This year, with the help of the Schroeder Foundation, St. John’s High School unveiled its brand new Tiger Café, an affordable lunch and breakfast program for students. Tiger Café offers a communal environment where students can enjoy delicious meals prepared by the school’s new cafeteria. From pancakes and eggs to lemon chicken and lasagna, these meals are prepared in a transformed cafeteria with state-of-the-art cooking and kitchen appliances.

The new affordable lunch program offers students free breakfast and $2.50 lunches –  every day of the week for the entire school year. Meals are prepared fresh and emphasize the nutritional needs a busy high school student deserves. The program is a success drawing excited reviews from students who now look forward to eating their school breakfast and lunch with their peers.

The principal of St John’s, Doug Taylor, says the positive effect of the Tiger Cafe is “a game-changer… [The lunch program] is making a difference. Students are staying here, students are eating.”

The program which is estimated to cost $400,000 a year is fully covered by the grant received from the Schroeder Foundation.


3 Apr, 2020

In north end, pandemic can’t kill kindness

"The school’s food bank program wouldn’t exist without the vital support of the Walter & Maria Schroeder Foundation."... more
20 Mar, 2021

Donor to subsidize milk program cut by school division

A city philanthropist will serve up a $210,000 donation to restore a milk-subsidy program drained from Winnipeg School Division’s budget this month.... more
26 Nov, 2019

Empowering Disadvantaged Youth

The Schroeder Foundation strongly believes that no individual should be disadvantaged as a result of their cultural background. In communities where we have identified this […]... more


20 Nov, 2023

Schroeder Foundation Gifts 60 Industry Standard Tablets to Sisler Students

In collaboration with Wacom Canada, the Schroeder Foundation was pleased to donate 60 Cintiq tablets to the students of Sisler High School’s CREATE program – […]... more
16 Aug, 2023

Schroeder Foundation Sponsors Nickelodeon Pitch

During the 2023 school year, post-high animation students in the Sisler CREATE program were invited by Nickelodeon Animation to visit their studios and pitch projects. […]... more
Schroeder Foundation sends CREATE students to Nickelodeon Studios
16 May, 2023

Schroeder Foundation sends CREATE students to Nickelodeon Studios

12 Student Animators to Pitch Projects in Los Angeles   WINNIPEG – Students in the Winnipeg School Division’s CREATE program at Sisler High School are embarking […]... more


24 Mar, 2021

Campaign for the Walter and Maria Schroeder BRAIN&HEART Centre

Join our $42-million campaign so we can do what no one has done before. We’re creating a centre where the world’s top specialists treat the toughest brain and heart cases — together…. more